Thank you to everyone who has contacted us. I'm overwhelmed at the kindness of everyone. I have read every comment and e-mail but just don't have the time to respond to each one right now so here is one big thank you.
I sat with Drew for a little over 6 hours last night until I just got too tired. At one point, I walked out of the pumping room across the hall from Drew's room to see 5 nurses watching the monitor with very concerned looks on their faces. Not something you like to see. He was having a bad episode where his pre and post-ductal sats went way down (as in 50/27) and they took him off of the oscillator and hand bagged him until his pre-ductal sat went back up. Then back on the oscillator and his post-ductal sat came back up. They had given him some medication rectally to help his potassium level and it leaked onto his bed. Changing the blankets sent him over the edge.
After my update last night, the surgeon called back and told us a lot of pretty bad things. His kidneys are inflamed due to the edema (swelling) and lack of oxygen. His urine output during the day yesterday was 0. His potassium level was at 7.6 which is pretty high.
We were told that if that level did not go down, cardiac issues would start to arise and that would be the time that Raymond and I would have to step in and decide how far to go. Right now, he's on life supporting meds and machines without actually being on "life support," if that makes sense. We have decided to stop medical intervention if his potassium levels start affecting his heart. But that's easy to say when it's not a decision immediately in front of you. But he's been through so much.
As of about 9 a.m., Drew has made small improvements. He is having some urine output although it's not a lot and his swelling looks worse. It's very, very bad, especially his eyes. His potassium levels have come down a little bit, I believe the last one was around 6.2. They will get another check on that around noon. Dr. M. says that the metabolic issues are the main concern right now. His sats are all over the place from the 70s to the 90s. That could be partially due to his extremeties being cold and his swelling; that can interfere with the sensors.
So that's where we are, a tiny bit better but not enough. But we are trying to look at it like this: his kidneys get a little better, making his body happier, leading to better kidney function, etc. Please keep praying for him and thinking about him, he's still extremely critical and things can turn in an instant.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Posted by
10:53 AM
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I learned about little Drew's battle through a friend on SheKnows. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. I have had a child in the NICU (for congenital heart defects) and know some of the pain you are suffering. If you ever need to talk to a NICU mom please feel free to contact me at You will all continue to be in my prayers....
I am part of mom's bored and am hearing about you all the time. My prayers are with you, baby Drew, and your whole family.
You are an amazing strong woman. Lots and lots of prayers going out to you.
I am a member of mom's bored and I have been following your updates about darling baby Drew. My heart truely goes out to you and your family. I pray often for Drew's health to improve, for him to be painfree, and I pray for you as well. I wish there was something that I or anyone else could do to take this all away, and it sddens me to know that all I can do is pray, and nothing else. With knowing this, I pray more, and will continue to do so.
Our family is all praying for Drew. Much love always....Debbie
I'm just thanking God that his kidneys are doing a little better today. Little bit by little bit I just know that he's going to get better. Sending you much, much love..........
You guys are all in my prayers. I can't imagine facing what you're going through and the decisions you have to make. I only can say that we're here when you need someone to talk to and cry with. We will continue to pray that a miracle may happen! ((((HUGS))))
Cindy, Kira & Christian
I am also from Aprils board. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and your family. Even though I don't personally know you I think of you all the time. I am so sorry for all the pain you and your family are going through. I pray that the Lord will give you peace no matter what happens. There ar SO MANY people praying for baby Drew and you all.
You, your husband, Elizabeth and most importantly Drew are in my thoughts and prayers. May god give you all the strength you need to remain strong and the comfort to know just how much we are all praying for Drew to turn the corner. God Bless.
I am a friend of April's and have been following your story since shortly after Drew was born. We are keeping your family in our thoughts. I hope little Drew gets back to where he can suppport him self and get healthy to come home.
(((hugs))) Bambee
I'm on your March board and have been following your blog. My heart goes out to your and your family. Each and everyday I think about you and your family and say a little prayer. You guys have been through so much and jsut like others, I am also amazed at your and little Drew's strenght. I will continue to keep Drew, you, and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Sept9th Mommy
Still holding on with you and god that a miracle can happen! Much love, support and (((HUGS))) from us.
Our hearts and prayers are with Drew, all of you.
take care,
Connor's mom
I continue to think and pray for your and your family constantly.
You and your family and most importantly baby Drew are in my constant thoughts and prayers. I pray that God can work a miricle for your family. I know so many people are praying for Drew.
I'm a frequent visitor to Raymond's coding blog (my trade) and I found your blog when your son was first born. I've been reading & following you since then. I just want to say that you & your family have been and will continue to be in my thoughts. I cried hard & used up alot of tissues yesterday when I read your update. I am going to ask my church to put you in our prayers.
May you all find peace in this trying times.
Lisa R.
I am praying for a miracle. I can't even imagine what you are going through. God is watching over baby Drew.
(( HUGS ))
I just checked out Elizabeth's site. The pictures are priceless. Keep taking those pics. You are all in our prayers and thoughts. Know that we think about you daily and wish we could help in some way. Just keep the faith and know that GOD is with all of you, especially Drew. Drew is an angel sent from GOD with a purpose. Much love and hugs. Uncle Danny & Aunt Donna
Jana, Ray, Elizabeth,
We pray daily for Drew and all of you. Drew in the 38 days he has been alive has touch so many lives. We (everyone who knows of Drew) have turned from our own lives and have joined together to pray and hope and turn our thoughts to someone other than ourselves. He has taught us not to give up but to fight. He has taught us to cherish life and realize we don't have things as bad as we tend to think. God give you strength, comfort, and peace. Our love goes out to you all.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-18 (The Message Bible)
16 May Jesus himself and God our Father, who reached out in love and surprised you with gifts of unending help and confidence, 17 put a fresh heart in you, invigorate your work, enliven your speech.
I check Drew's blog everyday...and pray for him as well. I emailed some very praying sisters and told them about Drew. You are a strong have to be to go through what you are going through.
- Amy Curtis, mother of Abby,who was born with CDH
I held a vigil for Drew...and I'm still praying strong. Feels like I need to do more than that, but I'm so far away now I've moved to the UK. Just know we're praying for you and sending hugs from all over the world! Emma H.
I heard about you and baby Drew on an iVillage playgroup board. My heart and prayers are with you and your family during this very difficult time.
May God bless Drew and hold in him in his loving arms for all eternity.
Please know that a family in Lander, WY, is praying for little Drew, I hope that today, Easter Sunday, he is doing better.
I read about Drew's concerns on Sheknows. I am sorry you are all having to go through this. I can only pray that he is able to fight this and starts to make some steps in the right direction. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Your family is in my prayers daily.
Your family is in my prayers.
I can't imagine what you are going through. Just know that you are being lifted up by many who care.
don't give up.
Kia ORa (Hello) from a blogger down under in New Zealand. I will say a prayer for Drew. Also do you mind if I mention your blog on my blog - 21 21 21 Blogs ???
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