Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just some stuff

I hope that everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend and remembered all of our current troops and vets. We went to a family thing near Lake Eufala, Oklahoma, and had a great time. Carson got to meet a lot of his relatives on his daddy's side of the family. He finally got to meet his Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Brandon--now we just have Aunt Cindy, Uncle Tracy, Aunt Melody and Uncle Kevin left to meet! And of course all of his cousins. I know that Audrey has been excited about Carson's arrival.

Next up is a family reunion for my side of the family in Hollis, Oklahoma. The hottest area in the state, I do believe! But R., the kids and I will all be there all of you Moldenhauer's and we're looking forward to seeing everyone! And I do mean EVERYONE! :D

On the Carson front, he has to go to the doctor tomorrow. I've been watching his belly button for about a week and I'm afraid that he has an umbilical hernia. *sigh* It does not seem to bother him but it's pretty gross. I haven't had time to research it at all but I'm hoping that it's nothing real major.

Monday, on Memorial Day, Carson turned 5 weeks, 4 days old. I'm probably the only person in the world that noticed but notice I did. Drew lived only 5 short weeks and 4 days. Drew died on a holiday (Easter) and Carson reached the same age on a holiday (Memorial Day). I notice strange things like that now. It's all too coincidental--Carson's due date (Drew's first Angel Day) and now this.

We've also had a few Carson firsts. The child rolled over at 4 weeks, 1 day! And it wasn't a fluke. He rolled from back to tummy twice that day and twice the next. He can flip from his belly to his back fairly easily because he HATES tummy time. Last week, he flashed his first real smile. You know, the one where he reacts to you, not just gas or a dream. I must say, he has the best smile, just like E. He opens his mouth wide and just lights up! I think that I got it on my camera but I'm at the wrong computer to post pictures so you'll just have to wait.

Our high school friend Will, the one who is on the Fox show "On The Lot" is doing GREAT! He was in the top 3 for the films shown on Monday's show. If you haven't seen his film "Lucky Penny," head over to the above link and check it out. And vote for him after every Monday's show. I wouldn't ask you to do that if he had no talent but I know this guy, have known him most of my life, and he has the talent and he deserves to succeed in his dreams. Will Bigham: watch for him, he will do great things. (I loved seeing his family on Monday night. His wife is so cute and sweet!)

Guess that's all for now. Elizabeth is tugging on me and screaming (happy screams) for some reason; I must go see what she's done this time!


The Goddess G said...

Yay for Carson!!! Smart little guy rolling around at 4 weeks old. I think these dates and days are signs from least that's what I feel.

I'm thinking of you and your fam.