Thursday, January 24, 2008

Proud Mommy!

First of all, thank you for the book recommendations. I'll be adding all of them to my reading list and keep 'em coming! I knew that I could count on you guys to help me out!

Now for my proud mommy moment. When Elizabeth was 9 months old, this photo

was put out in the studio where I have the kids portraits taken. Very few kids get this opportunity but my girlie did.

So last weekend, I took Carson for his 9 month shots and now HE'S going to be in the studio!! Validation that my kids are freaking beautiful; it feels so good! I'm not sure what shot they're going to use yet, but it will probably be one of these:

How strange is it that they were both chosen to be displayed at 9 months?

Like my little Rock Star? Everyone at the mall seemed to! At least 150 people, including sullen teenagers, commented on his hair and how awesome it was. Little boys are so much fun!


Mommyto3K's said...

Congrats!!! That is so awesome that they were both chosen at 9 months. You have every right to be one proud Momma!! You do indeed have beautiful kids and your little rock star is adorable!!!

Twinmommy2boys said...

Oh my, I absolutely love these pictures. I've never seen any like them before. Whoever idea this was, it was brilliant.

Anonymous said...

What a big boy!!! Those are TOO cute:-)

Anonymous said...

How cute! All those pictures are great.

The Goddess G said...

That is awesome!!! Triple love the hair!